Hart Sauv Blanc

Hart 2018 Sauvignon Blanc Temecula Valley

Hart Winery describes this bottle of wine as “Produced entirely from Estate Grown fruit from a 1.5 acre block in our family vineyard; 65% Musque-clone and 35% traditional-clone Sauvignon Blanc. This wine was cold-fermented in a temperature controlled tank then bottled early to capture the fruit and charm of the grape. A crisp, dry, food compatible wine with notes of grapefruit and a subtly herbaceous finish.”

Hart Sauv Blanc

Price: $22

Type: Dry white wine

ABV (Alcohol by volume): 14.1%

What I saw

This wine is a straw color with a hint of gray or green. It was very bright and clear.

What I smelled

When I swirled and smelled this wine, I got notes of pineapple and grapefruit. I also got a little bit of melon. I got some herbal notes as well. There was also this mineral quality to it. I haven’t decided if it’s more like wet stone or gravel.

What I tasted

I would say that this Sauvignon Blanc had a medium acidity to it. It tasted very crisp and refreshing. I tasted a muted citrus flavor which is definitely the grapefruit. I also tasted the mineral and herbal notes I was smelling. It is a dry wine, so it was not sweet. This wine also had a medium length and a light to medium body.

What would I pair this wine with?

I had this wine with curry noodles because I did not have anything sweet to pair with the spicy curry. Anyway, I would actually pair this wine with pesto pasta or I would pair it with fish like shrimp or halibut with lemon and garlic. I think any kind of white fish would work with this. Foods with herbs to match the herbal quality in the Sauvignon Blanc would work very well.

Again, tasting and pairing is your own thing. Who I am I to tell you that you can’t have spaghetti and meatballs with Sauvignon Blanc? These are just some of my suggestions that I think would work well with this wine.

Why this wine is good

This wine is good because I really like how you can taste the fruit flavors without them being very powerful. This is a pretty simple wine to me that I could see myself drinking in the Spring and Summer seasons. Sometimes the mineral flavors in wine can taste a lot like licking the sidewalk, but I don’t think that this wine has an over powerful mineral flavor.

Why this wine is bad

I really don’t think that there are qualities of this wine that I didn’t like. I actually really liked this wine.

Is this wine worth the money?

I’m going to say no. I would never pay $22 for a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc because I am a college student and I only have college student money. I paid $22 because I bought this on a wine field trip and I wanted to support a local winery. If I saw this on the shelf of my local BevMo or Trader Joe’s, I would choose a cheaper option of Sauvignon Blanc.


*Disclaimer: I am not an expert in wine nor am I a Master Sommelier. Wine is just something I am passionate about!

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