Pinot Noir

The new year is about making resolutions and setting goals for things you want to accomplish. Every year, I never follow through with my resolutions because they’re always common things such as: losing weight, exercising more, reading a book, etc. My resolutions aren’t exciting to say the least.

I know we’re already halfway through January, but for 2020, I decided to come up with some resolutions related to wine that I will want to keep up with as well as some common resolutions.

Try 5 new varietals.

I want to try at least 5 new-to-me varietals this year. The wines I drink are pretty common varietals, so it’s going to be interesting to try ones I haven’t ever heard of before. I don’t have a preference on where in the world they come from, I just know that I would like to expand my wine horizons.

Try the wine in places I travel.

This is one I do anyway, but I know that I am going somewhere in the world this year and I’d like to try the wines of the place I’m going. Even if it’s just one wine, I’m totally okay with that.

Get my friends to try new wines.

So far, my friends like the really sweet wines. I want to get them to start drinking drier wines or at least get them to try many different sweet wines instead of Barefoot Moscato. Last year, I got them into Moscato d’Asti and Riesling, but this year, I’m thinking about hooking them onto Gewürztraminer and Lambrusco and maybe moving them on to jammy Zinfandels. We’ll see.

Further my wine education.

Whether it’s to finally put down the money and start the WSET 2 or just reading more wine books, I know I definitely want to expand my wine knowledge. There is so much to learn about wine that it will probably take my whole life to learn it all, so I want to get started sooner rather than later. I don’t have my WSET level 1, but I’ve already taken a class equivalent to it, so it might be too easy for me. I haven’t decided yet, but I have the rest of the year to do so.

Create more content.

I want to create more content for my blog and for my Instagram account, @sheknowvino_. When I wasn’t working, I was posting on Instagram everyday and I had posts for my blog publishing regularly, but now I have little free time and sometimes I just want to watch Netflix and fall asleep on the weekends. I really want to sit down and create as much content as I can so that I’m posting regularly.

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