Bath Bombs and Wine

Before I begin, I’d like to say that wine is not a healthy coping mechanism to any challenges you might be facing. If you’re struggling in your life, please consider seeing a therapist or talking to people you trust because they can help you exponentially.

In this post, I’m giving you some ideas on how to add wine to your self-care routine! I say add because wine itself is not self-care, it’s just really nice to enjoy a glass of wine every now and then while you relax. Drink in moderation!

We all have different self-care routines. Yours might look like cozying up next to the fire and reading a good book (Midnight Sun, anyone?) and mine is lighting some candles, dropping a bath bomb into a hot bath, and watching a cheesy movie on Netflix. I actually like to pour myself a glass of wine while I relax in the bath because it adds to the sensory experience from the bath bombs. No matter the routine, we all have our go-to ways to unwin(e)d.

Bubble Bath + Wine

Like I mentioned above, one of my favorite ways to relax is by soaking in a bubble bath with a glass of wine. I prefer watching Netflix or Hulu, but some people enjoy reading in the bath. Something about the ambience of candlelight and the incredible smell of bubbles make it a perfect way to enjoy yourself. For this self-care activity, I highly recommend trying out Lush Cosmetics’ bath bombs because they smell divine and make your skin feel soft. Treat yourself to a glass of perfectly crisp bubbly and feel the weight of the world lift from your shoulders.

Art + Wine

It’s no secret that sitting down to create is a great way to practice self-care. Art comes in so many different forms such as coloring in adult coloring books, writing a blog posts, painting holiday cards, and so much more. By allowing yourself to create freely, it’ll help you let go of the stress you might be feeling. Add a glass of wine into the mix to sip on while you make art or try something crazy and paint with the wine! For inspiration, take a look at my favorite wine artist’s website, Elysia Myers.

Cleaning + Wine

Hear me out on this one, but cleaning can be extremely relaxing. Sometimes I feel stressed out when there is too much clutter in my life, so I’ll organize and donate things I don’t use anymore to clear my space (and my head). Cleaning out the clutter is a wonderful way to practice self-care and after, you’ll have enough space to treasure the things that bring you joy. Pour yourself a glass of wine and get organizing!

Games + Wine

Whether it’s playing Animal Crossing on the Switch or sitting down with family and playing a board game, games can help us unwind from stress. If you’re an extrovert, playing games with family and friends can be healthy because extroverts are people who gain energy from being around other people. For introverts, you might enjoy playing a game like Animal Crossing or solitaire by yourself since introverts recharge by spending time alone. No matter if you’re an introvert or extrovert, you can always enjoy a glass of wine while playing games.

Movies + Wine

Sometimes cuddling up on the couch with a blanket and watching a few of your favorite movies is the best form of self-care. Don’t forget the movie snacks like popcorn, candy, and wine! You can’t go wrong with a sparkling white wine or a lightly oaked Chardonnay to pair with your movie popcorn.

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